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Sounds, sounds everywhere sounds (With yet another apology to the Five Man Electrical Band…)

So many aspects of travel are interesting that it’s hard to pick out what may be the best. For me, one of the most intriguing is the difference in sounds we have encountered.

In rural Shippensburg, the sounds are vastly different that they are in central London, or along a canal in Venice or on a fjord in Norway. Some you world expect, in part, due to the requirements of the location. London traffic sounds much different than what is heard along Shippensburg’s King Street.

But one sound is ubiquitous in all of our travels. The clack of luggage wheels along city streets. No matter where we have gone the sounds of luggage being wheeled, and sometimes dragged, is a constant, and one to which we, too contribute.

It remains an interesting sound because it means we are once again traveling and exploring. It also shows that many others are also doing the same, I think. I admit I do often wonder why so many people are pulling luggage, a thought that again occurred to me while walking around London the past several days.

Of course there are many tourists like us who are visiting this wonderful city but some, it seems, may be residents. Are they returning from their own adventure, coming from outside of London to visit friends for a stay or moving from one part of London to another? No matter the reason, the sound is as steady as the heaviest vehicle traffic.

Sadly, on part of our walk we saw a lone set of two luggage wheels in the gutter. I’m not sure if they tried to make an escape from their dreary life or just gave up and fell off. I’m sure the bag’s owner missed them while trying to wrangle the now-three-wheeled bag down an unforgiving street.

The sounds of wheels also makes me wonder, in general, about the people I see wherever we go. Are they local? Are they tourists? Are they just living their daily lives or is today special for them? Sometimes I just watch people as they move by and want to ask them where they’re going. I’m sure the answer would be enlightening.

Ellen will tell you that I am normally a shy person but I can often be very outgoing while traveling. It’s a remnant of my previous professional life as spokesman for a university. My youngest son calls it my professional “voice.” I will often offer to take a picture of a couple who appear to be struggling to get just the right angle for their selfie. That often leads to a quick conversation or more.

Those conversations are just another part of the sounds of travel adventures.

(When we get back from the trip I’ll add some video and audio to the site.)

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