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And away we go...

And away we go…

It’s been a while since our last blog since we have been staying close to home these past few months, but that will change soon.

We’re off on our next trip in early August. This time it’s yet another trip to England and our first extended trip to France.

This trip was an unexpected surprise. We have been mentoring a younger couple for many years and always said we’d like to travel internationally with them. After last Christmas, they said they had booked tickets to England in August and did we want to go? YES!

In the ensuing months there’s been lots of texts, e-mails and telephone and in-person conversations about the itinerary, what not to miss, etc. One aspect of the trip we’re looking forward to is vicariously seeing England through the eyes of these two friends who have never been there. Even though we have been to London and elsewhere in England many times, we know that seeing it with them will be like seeing it for the first time.

After about a week wandering England, we head for France and our first stop in Paris. We’ve only been to Northern France once and that was a visit to Normandy last year while on a Princess British Isles cruise.

In France we’ll also do something I said we would never do: Rent a car. While our friends stay in Paris, we’re renting a car and heading for a return trip to Normandy and the surrounding area. Our trip there last year was so brief, and so memorable, that we wanted to return and take more time in the area. Since France is a right-hand drive country, I think we’ll be OK. If not, you may get a blog from us lost in the middle of France!

Stay tuned for more updates.


I have a saying YCMTSU: You can’t make this stuff up! Here’s one of those stories.

I dropped a visiting friend

at a large airport on the East Coast after her visit. One the way home, I stopped at a convenience store to get a drink for the trip.

I was wearing a short I had purchased after a visit to the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. (I’d recommend everyone go to that program. It was SPECTACULAR. Here’s a photo of the shirt (mine said 2016, not 2019):

I go up to the counter, and hand my drink to the clerk. Here’s the conversation:

Clerk: Pointing to shirt: Tattoo.

Me: Getting ready to say what a great trip, great program, etc.

Clerk: I’m thinking of getting a tattoo.

Me: To myself: Huh?

Clerk: I’m probably only going to get a small one. I went online to see which tattoo I should get and it said to start with a small one like an arrow.

Me: Good idea. Always start small.

Clerk: Yeah, I don’t want something real big all over.

Me: Quickly moving toward the door: Thanks for my change.

Americans really need to travel more!

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